To renew the protection of a flat roof in Lombardy -Italy, the Anzillotti Coperture Company relied on Winkler technology, specifically the WINGUM PLUS H2O RAPID SYSTEM.
The Company was involved in a maintenance operation on a flat roof in the province of Varese, where the considerably aged waterproofing membranes had sealing issues, with dangerous water stagnation and, above all, abrasions and cracks that prevented the continuity of the roof’s protection.
Thanks to Winkler technology, the application was possible even without removing the old membranes, thus eliminating significant costs and, most importantly, avoiding the production of waste materials that would have ended up in landfills.
Before starting the new waterproofing project, the surface was carefully dried and cleaned to remove any impurities. They specifically used the Rapid version of the Wingum Plus H2O System, ensuring excellent application speed compared to traditional systems, as it allows for the opening and closing of the site project even in just one day.
The operational advantage of the liquid elastomeric Wingum Plus H2O Rapid system, a water-based solvents-free product, is indeed its rapid drying. The product, available in white, reflective white, red, and green, as well as grey as in this case, is rainproof and suitable for over-application already after 4 hours from the first coat (7 hours in cold temperatures), although in this case, a “Wet on Wet” application was carried out.
Its particular formulation provides for high flexibility, stable even at low temperatures, without being affected over time, while its operating temperature ranges from -30 to +80 °C. The product, already after 48 hours, is resistant to normal foot traffic. Wingum Plus H2O Rapid is perfectly suitable for laying even on flat surfaces subject to water stagnation. It also offers exceptional resistance to aging and UV rays and ensures nearly zero environmental impact.
To ensure maximum protection, the application was continued on both the flat part and the vertical one, where reinforcement was provided with TNT WINTECHNO MAT. The product, a non-woven reinforcement in thermally stabilised polyester, chemically resistant for liquid resinous, bituminous, or cement-based premixed waterproofing agents, was the best suited solution. This is because, the product is used for membranes in sites where foundations are particularly submitted to stress or require higher thickness or more uniformity and homogeneity in the waterproofing layer.
Wingum Plus H2O System, even in the Rapid version, like all Winkler solutions, is water-based and solvent-free, as envisaged by the Winkler-Safe philosophy whose mission is to develop highly performing products while respecting human health and the environment.
Winkler Chimica srl
E- Mail: info@winklerchimica.com