Repairing road surfaces means to eliminate problems that compromise everyone’s safety and may be the cause of accidents. For that purpose, in order to repair asphalt potholes it is possible to use the latest generation of cold bituminous conglomerates. These products simplify and speed up road maintenance and repairing. They are reliable, non-toxic and performing products that allow the rapid restoration of road traffic.

Solutions to eliminate holes on road pavements
Road maintenance, especially in large cities, is a challenge that must continuously be dealt with. However, maintenance requires funds, which aren’t always immediately available. Despite that, road maintenance cannot be avoided as the degradation caused by traffic of vehicles has created situations of great danger, causing many unfortunate events. Asphalt potholes are often invisible and therefore even more dangerous. The sudden subsidence of the surface, structural failures, or crumbling asphalt are the main results of this road degradation.
The most advanced intervention techniques to repair asphalt potholes can solve these problems, in a reliable, lasting, and above all eco-friendlyway. An example of such products are the cold bituminous conglomerates, which are ready to use and do not need primers. Also, they are quick to apply and consolidate simply through normal compaction with a roller or vibrating plate. Most importantly, they allow the installation of the conglomerate even in extreme weather conditions, low temperatures, rain or snow, on wet holes. This means that maintenance is possible even during the colder months, ensuring full flexibility and stability for a long time (some products up to two years).
Pros of using cold bituminous conglomerates to repair asphalt potholes
Using the new generation bituminous mixes, even in cold weather, ensures excellent results, since the consistency of the cold asphalt is similar to that of hot asphalt. It’s possible to efficiently repair asphalt potholes also respecting the environment, and these products are highly appreciated due to their ecological purpose. New generation bituminous mixes don’t foresee the use of an asphalt laying machines and eliminate the air pollution that such machines would generate. In addition to that, other unpleasant events are avoided such as long lasting traffic alterations, which are inconvenient especially in intense circulation areas. Thanks to cold laying, asphalt potholes repair takes place in a few minutes. After the compaction operations, which are also very fast, circulation can immediately start again. This is possible because these products harden immediately, they don’t stick to tires and are immediately ready to be walked on.
Lastly, another important feature of the latest generation cold bituminous conglomerates is the fact that they are generally supplied in bags. Therefore, the customers have the possibility to get smaller quantities of product for small road works. This, in turns, has many pros. First, it avoids useless waste, second, the roadway is always clean. Most importantly, at the end of the intervention there is no dispersion of grit, which can be just as dangerous as asphalt potholes. Thanks to this way of packaging, it is also possible to perfectly store the product, which is always ready to be used when required.
Conclusion: repair asphalt potholes in a fast and efficient way!
The latest generation bituminous conglomerates provide a fast and efficient solution to repair asphalt potholes, as well as a valuable contribution for the safety of drivers and pedestrians. The possibility of adequately plan the works, and accurately determine the quantity of cold bituminous mix to be used, means that it’s possible to stay on budget, whilst avoiding unnecessary and harmful waste. These types of products are recommended even for small local administrations. In fact, thanks to the simple product application, theycan easily deal with the elimination of holes and uneven sections of the roads. Also, with a minimum financial commitment, and achieving the desired efficient elimination of asphalt potholes.