Winkler’s research and development laboratories present the evolution of the product that rewrote the technical standards of liquid solutions for surface waterproofing. In periods of climatic instability, when the time factor for interventions is decisive, it is better to be able to count on a fast, safe, and certified product.
Winkler is proud to announce the launch of another innovative and revolutionary product for the waterproofing industry.
WINGUM PLUS H20 RAPID and WINGUM PLUS H20 REFLEX RAPID will improve the already established elastomeric waterproofing liquid Wingum Plus H2O and expand the range of unique products.
We finally fulfilled the need of a quick drying solution to be applied in fall or spring where dew, rain and night temperatures could affect the normal curing process.
WINGUM PLUS H20 RAPID is completely cured after only 4 hours at +20°C and 6/7 hours at +10°C. It also offers the possibility to finish the job in one day, only when the area is not big. The two coats could be applied after a few hours.
The most important aspect is that WINKLER LAB speeded up the curing without adding solvent nor additive, the product is still environmentally friendly, and water based. This is a very great and exclusive innovation.
Its formula allows a high flexibility, stable even at low temperatures without being affected over time, while its operating temperature ranges from -30°C to +80 °C. The product, already after 48 hours, is resistant to normal trampling. Wingum Plus H2O Rapid is perfectly suitable to be applied even on flat surfaces subject to water stagnation. It also offers exceptional resistance to aging and UV rays. The product releases very low emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is available in white, gray, red, and green colors.