In the 21st Century, with an always growing population, on one side, and the pollution increase, on the other, we no longer have excuses. The planet needs corrective actions, so we all have to be responsible towards it, as a sustainable development has become an urgency.
We all have to do our part, so, this has also become a corporate responsibility of each company. Companies of all sizes are increasing their annual effort when dealing with sustainability.
In this, Winkler is not an exception.
Sustainability in Waterproofing Solutions is at the heart of Winkler’s activities since the company’s inception. It is a fundamental part of the company’s mission to develop and implement a new approach to the construction sector. The combination of chemical products on one side and technology on the other side has allowed the development of effective waterproofing solutions, easily accessible by roofers and construction workers in general. Today, the company offers one of the widest ranges of waterproofing products available on the market, including customised solutions that meet clients’ specific needs.

Winkler’s approach to sustainability
Since 1996, Winkler acknowledged that it is fundamental to respect the world we live in, and therefore started to study and deliver solutions that have a low impact on the environment and respect human health. Indeed, since years now, the environmental commitment has been taken very seriously at Winkler. This in order to guarantee a better life quality to both present and future generations, while safeguarding the nature and the planet.
Sustainability strategy: WinklerSafe
Winkler adopted a multi directions strategy, crafting a new technology called WinklerSafe. The main advantage of this technology is the fact that it was simultaneously developed in distinctive areas.
First of all, Winkler was the first company in Italy to abolish all solvent-based products in the waterproofing industry.
This led to the development of advanced water-based products, able to provide unique performances. Winkler, thanks to its research and development team, created a full range of highly performing water-based products that:
- Are Eco-friendly;
- Preserve users’ health;
- Meet performance requirements in terms of easy application, resistance, durability and consumption.
Last but not least important, Winkler is committed to continuously improve the manufacturing chain by using advanced raw materials. In addition to that, the company invests in plants that are contributing to achieve a zero environmental impact production cycle.
The annual commitment on sustainability at Winkler is growing year by year, as the company keeps investing always greater attention, budget and resources to this important topic. The sustainable approach has indeed become an essential part of Winkler’s strategy since years now.
Winkler’s recognitions in the sustainability field
In recognition to the way the company has developed and implemented sustainability in waterproofing, with an appropriate system that monitors the environmental impacts of its activities, Winkler was awarded the ISO 14001 Certification (Italy UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004).
This certification standards relates to the company environmental management, to lower the impact of those production activities negatively affecting the environment. So, the ISO 14001 Certification guarantees each production and application phase of Winkler’s products strictly follows the environment management standards.

Also, in 2012, another step was taken towards this direction, when Winkler USA joined the US Green Building Council, which “is committed to a prosperous and sustainable future through cost- efficient and energy-saving green building”. This important certification is meant to promote sustainability in the construction field.
Winkler’s sustainable and water- based products
Some of Winkler’s solvent-free, non-toxic and environmental-friendly products are:
- Wingum Plus H20. A coloured, ready to use fibered water- based elastomeric waterproofing liquid membrane that offers extraordinary resistance to water stagnation, aging and UV rays. It is CRRC (Cool Roofing Rating Council) Rated Product compliant with California Energy Commission Title 24, compliant with Los Angeles Green Building Code requirements. This product can be applied cold and, when it solidifies, it becomes a hard, resistant and waterproof layer, which guarantees performance for years. It can be spread with a roller or sprayed and does not cause any problems with edges or floor irregularities.
- Skermo Terrazze. A transparent water repellent for the waterproofing of balconies, terraces and vertical concrete or masonry structures. It is a solvent- free product with 100% active material, able to penetrate in depth and waterproof these surfaces for years while guaranteeing long term durability. It can be applied over ceramic, stoneware, terracotta floors, clinker, concrete and other cementitious floors.
- Winkler One. A primeless hybrid material comprised of 100% active ingredient with zero VOC, extremely easy to apply over a wide variety of substrates such as concrete, roofing boards, granulated or smooth torched down mod bit, BUR, cap, sheets and more. This innovative product, unique on the market, can be applied in the most extreme conditions and is not minimally toxic.
A sustainable future at Winkler’s
Winkler believes that everybody’s contribution is vital to improve the quality of our life. We translate this belief in our investment in technological progress combined with Winkler’s innovative approach in order to pursue the path of sustainability in waterproofing products.
Winkler knows well everyone has to do their part to make the world a better place and is therefore willing to set a good example. So, its constant and 360° commitment is address towards its staff, its business partners, consumers and, of course, to the planet.